Helping Your Child Reach Their Potential
September 26, 2024 @ 11:30AM — 1:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Add to Calendar
Helping Your Child Reach Their Potential
We are back for another session in the Triple P Stepping Stones Seminar series. This training will discuss the important role parents play in laying the foundations for children’s success at school and beyond. Come ready to learn the six tips to being an effective teacher at home, using positive parenting principles to help build your child’s life skills. Each session in this three part series will focuses on positive ways to promote children’s development. You can choose to attend one or all sessions.
While content of each session is designed for parents and caregivers of children up to age 12, trainings are open to all! Each session is approved for 1.5 hours of Foster Parent Credit. Certificate provided upon request by emailing
While content of each session is designed for parents and caregivers of children up to age 12, trainings are open to all! Each session is approved for 1.5 hours of Foster Parent Credit. Certificate provided upon request by emailing